
Bethesda Sues Westworld Game as Fallout Shelter Ripoff

Bethesda files lawsuit against Warner Bros. over the release of Westworld mobile game, for ripping-off Fallout Shelter. Last week, a mobi...

22 Jun, 2018

Fallout 76 to Stop PvP Bullying

With Fallout 76, Bethesda is planning to stop people from bullying other players in multiplayer PvP experience. So far, what we know abou...

20 Jun, 2018

Fallout 76 E3 Trailer

Bethesda's E3 2018 trailer for Fallout 76 reveals it to be a prequel four times larger than any other Fallout game. Only a few days a...

10 Jun, 2018

Fallout 76 Announced

The last game from Bethesda 's post-apocalyptic action role-playing game series Fallout was Fallout 4 and it came out in 2015. People...

30 May, 2018