Remedy Entertainment Acquires Alan Wake

Publishing rights for Alan Wake mystery adventure game series goes back to Remedy Entertainment from Microsoft.

After their successful run on Max Payne series in early 2000's, Finnish developer studio Remedy Entertainment partnered up with Microsoft Studios to work on their action-adventure title Alan Wake of 2010 that would receive critically acclaim.

Despite garnering positive response from all, they could never make a proper sequel without getting approval of its publisher. Lately, Remedy gains publishing rights for their highly praised supernatural thriller franchise from Microsoft.

alan wake developer remedy regains publishing rights microsoft sequel
Remedy Entertainment Acquires Alan Wake

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In addition to acquire full rights to their original mystery adventure game series, developers have also accepted a one-time royalty payment worth €2.5 million during second half of 2019 for past sales of previously-released games.

Although there are no words on whether they will go for a remake or a full sequel now, a spokesperson stated the following on behalf of Remedy.

The only thing we want to clarify, now that Remedy owns the publishing rights, is that we could bring Alan Wake to different platforms if we so choose.

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Cult classic action-adventure game Alan Wake was originally released as an exclusive title for Xbox 360 before seeing launch of a PC version in 2012. It was eventually brought to Xbox One platform via backwards compatibility feature.

Remedy Entertainment saw the first game as Season 1 based on the life of best-selling thriller novelist lead character and had six episodes with additional DLC packs as special episodes but Alan Wake 2 was postponed due to financial reasons.

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We saw release of Alan Wake's American Nightmare in 2012 that actually adapted many concepts from their scrapped project and Microsoft wanted them to work on something unique like sci-fi shooter adventure Quantum Break.

Remedy is currently busy with their upcoming supernatural adventure title Control, which is scheduled to launch on 27 August, 2019. Given their early comment, they would likely to port Alan Wake for Nintendo Switch or PlayStation 4 now.
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